Maintenance Issues That Can Easily Cause a Trucking Accident

As a truck driver, it takes pure skill to safely operate a multi-ton rig on busy roadways. Truckers spend a lot of time in school and countless hours on the road honing their skills before they can even receive their official credentials to drive. It is important to realize that even the most educated, skilled truck driver can still have an accident and cause irreparable harm to him or herself as well as others on the road.

Three Reasons You Need A Lawyer After An Accident On Your Moped

If you are a moped rider and have recently been in an accident, it is important that you call a personal injury attorney. The following are three reasons to contact an attorney at a law firm like The Gil Law Firm as soon as you can. It is often obvious the car was at fault As you well know, mopeds cannot travel as fast as a motorcycle or even a scooter, but they can travel fast enough to be used on city streets.

3 Things You Need To Do After A Dog Bite

Dog bites are almost never something that you can see coming far ahead of time. Chances are that if it's not your pet, the dog is either a stray that you weren't expecting to run into or a dog belonging to a friend or neighbor that's never been threatening to you before. Being bitten unexpectedly is a bit of a shock, so it's important to be aware of what you should do after a dog bite so that you can take action quickly.

Medical Malpractice: 3 Helpful Tips To Help You Decide Whether You Have A Case

Medical malpractice is considered valid when a doctor or physician provides you with incompetent care. There are many things that are considered medical malpractice, from misdiagnosis to improper treatment. If you have suffered after medical treatment, it is possible that you have a malpractice lawsuit on your hands. So do you have a case on your hands? If you don't know, don't worry. Here are three tips for determining if you have the legal grounds to file for a medical malpractice case:

Is Your Parent In A Nursing Home? 3 Things You Need To Know About Nursing Home Abuse

If you have a parent living in a nursing home, you want them to be well-cared for and safe. Unfortunately, nursing homes don't always provide the safe environment that they should. In fact, according to a study conducted in 2000, 44% of all nursing home residents have been the victim of abuse. The same study found that more than 50% of nursing home employees admitted to having mistreated patients. Sadly, many nursing home patients are either unable, or unwilling to speak out against their abusers.